General conditions of contracting

The present agreement regulates the general conditions of purchase of the diverse products and services (from now on, the “Service”) offered in the present web page by RUBINA MENORCA SL with CIF number B13707591 and domicile in Avda of the Camp Verd 4 07730 Alaior.

The user (from now on, the “STUDENT”), in the moment that completes the process of register, and purchases any of our courses, accepts and subjects on purpose to the clauses specified to continuation, as well as to the conditions of access and use of our portal that can find in the legal notice and his privacy policy.

The self-evident STUDENT that does not have limitations in his capacity to act and that has full legal capacity to force contractualmente.
The present agreement is permanently accessible in the legal notices of our web page, and can be consulted whenever the STUDENT require it.

The present General Conditions of Contracting will be anyway subject to the established so much in the Law 7/1998, of 13 April, on General Conditions of Contracting, as in the Legislative Royal decree 1/2007, of 16 November, by which approves the text refundido of the General Law for the Defence of the Consumers and Users and other complementary laws.

They are equally applicable the Royal decree 1906/1999, of 17 December 1999, by which regulates the Telephone or Electronic Contracting with general conditions, and to the Law 34/ 2002 of 11 July, of Services of the Information Society and of E-commerce.

In contraprestación by the Service, the STUDENT accepts to pay on purpose to RUBINA MENORCA SL the quantities specified in the moment of the purchase in the relation of prices established in the web page for the products chosen.

In the web page detail all our Services of way individualizada. The procedure to effect and manage the purchase goes indicating in the web page.

On the form of payment and bill

During the process of purchase will be able to choose between paying with charge card or debit. Also you can pay by Bizum, so that the transaction makes connecting directly with the banking entity through his own runway of payment, by what RUBINA MENORCA SL does not have knowledge of the data referents to the charge card employed to make the payment.

Once made the payment, the STUDENT will receive an email of confirmation of the same.

The payments are previous to the start of the provision or delivery of the Services, by what RUBINA MENORCA SL will not provide the access until the moment in that it have received the payment of the same. RUBINA MENORCA SL Reserves the right to cancel temporary or definitively the services loaned, in front of any incidence in the payment of the same.

If the student needs bill, can request it by email to after confirming his request.

Security in the purchase

Your purchase in our shop is totally safe. You choose the form of payment that choose, have of all the measures of pertinent security to guarantee the salvaguarda of your data of payment.

Of this way makes impossible the fraud in the network and guarantees the total security of the transactions.

Obligations of the student

The STUDENT forces to do an use typical of the Service and of the accessible contents through the same, according to the requirements of the good faith, without vulnerar the valid laws neither infringir right of any one third, as well as to the payment of the Service selected in the form described in the corresponding section of the present General Conditions of Contracting, not being able to in consequence:

  1. Use the Service or the contents that through the same result accessible with a commercial end or public.

  2. Use the Service or the contents that through the same result accessible with illegal or unsuitable ends.

  3. Reproduce direct or indirectly, distribute, put to disposal of the public, communicate publicly, transmit, broadcast, edit, reproduce, copy or fix through other devices, adapt, transform, modify or alter the Service or any one of the contents that through the same result accessible, in everything or partly, with provisional or permanent character, and in general, use it of any another forms that it contravene the legislation in matter of copyright.

  4. Evade, modify, delete, alter or manipulate of any way any one measures of protection, encryption, technology or software that form part of the Service or of the contents that through the same result accessible.

  5. Quebrantar Or try quebrantar the measures of security and of access of the Service, of the contents that through the same result accessible or of any network connected to the same.

  6. Use the Service or the contents that through the same result accessible so that it constitute a violation of the rights of RUBINA MENORCA SL or of any third.

The STUDENT accepts that the quality of the content reproduced will depend of the device and of determinate factors no dependent of RUBINA MENORCA SL. The availability of the contents in High Definition, Ultra High Definition and High Dynamic Rank will depend on the provision of the device of the STUDENT.

The incumplimiento of the Conditions described in the previously quoted point respecto the utilisation of the Service or the contents that through the same result accessible will empower to RUBINA MENORCA SL to the suspension of the service loaned to the STUDENT that broke, without prejudice to the faculty of RUBINA MENORCA SL to demand the compensation by the damages and damages caused to which had right.

Obligations of RUBINA MENORCA SL

RUBINA MENORCA SL engages to provide to the STUDENT the services that have been hired applying for this the maximum diligence in the provision of the Service, as well as to take care of the maintenance of the necessary installations for the operation of the network, having for this of a technical and computer team suitable.

RUBINA MENORCA SL Does not guarantee that the availability of the Service object of this agreement was continuous and uninterruptible, by circumstances originated by problems in the network of Internet, failures in the computer devices and other unpredictable circumstances. So that the STUDENT accepts to bear inside some reasonable limits the problems and difficulties originated by these circumstances.

Greater strength

Any of the parts will be considered responsible by the incumplimiento of any one of his obligations while the provision of the Service delay or made impossible like consequence of Greater Strength.

It understands by greater strength all those suppositions in which concurran unforeseen circumstances, or that, in spite of his forecast, went unavoidable, that do not depend on the will of the parts or that escape of his control, and that can not be avoided by them, and motivate the impossibility to fulfil, in everything or partly, the obligations of the parts or do extremely onerous for the part affected said fulfillment, whenever it have not mediated negligence or fault by his part.

The suspension of the contractual obligations will last while it persist the cause that have originated the Greater Strength. The part that suffer this will have to put it immediately in knowledge of the another, in the time limit of 48 hours since the cause of Greater Strength produce , and effect the efforts that are reasonable to resolve the cause of the suspension in the shortest term possible.

If the cause of Greater Strength prolonged in the time so that it frustrated the provision of the Service, or, anyway, if it prolonged by more than three months, the unaffected part by said situation will be able to, with a preaviso of fifteen (15) days, urge the resolution of the agreement.

Data of personal character

Through the acceptance of the present Conditions, of the Legal notice and the Privacy policy of RUBINA MENORCA SL understands that the STUDENT has accepted and consented the collected of data, the uses to which go destined, as well as his divulging, all this according to the established in the Privacy policy, as well as to the established, in his case, in the form of collected of data.

In accordance with the established in the General Regulation of Data protection and other applicable rule, inform that RUBINA MENORCA SL will treat the personal data of the STUDENT like managers, with the purpose of fulfillment of contractual obligations, attend applications of information precontractual and sending of commercial communications.

The personal data of the STUDENT to which have access RUBINA MENORCA SL will not be communicated to any another person or entity, except that a legal disposal demand it.

Without prejudice to his right to demand in front of the Spanish Agency of Data protection, the STUDENT will be able to exert the rights of access, rectification, suppression, limitation, opposition to the treatment and portability, as well as revoke the consent, of all which, will have to notify to RUBINA MENORCA SL by means of email headed to

In all the no on purpose had in the Conditions will be of application the had in the Privacy policy.


All the titles, contents, texts, photographies, periodic publications, literary works, logos, videos, drawings, programs of computer, included his code source, databases, images, graphic designs, audios, including, to title ejemplificativo, works and audiovisual recordings, and any one other signs elements or susceptible creations of protection by intellectual property rights or industrial that form part or are accessible through this web page are property of RUBINA MENORCA SL, or of the third that supply them under permission expresses to RUBINA MENORCA SL, and find protected by the Legislative Royal decree 1/1996, of 12 April, that approves the Text Refundido of the Law of Copyright and by the Law 17/2001, of 7 December, of Marks and by the rest of national and international laws applicable.

The STUDENT only will be able to use the Service of form no exclusive, for use strictly private and with subjection to the present General Conditions of Contracting.

The access and use by the STUDENT of the courses and services contained in this web page in way any will involve the renunciation, or the total or partial transmission of rights to the STUDENT by RUBINA MENORCA SL or by his headlines.

The STUDENT will not be able to make act any, in relation with the Service, courses neither with the contents that show through the same, of direct or indirect reproduction, fixation, distribution, put to disposal of the public, public communication, transmission, transmission, edition, adaptation, transformation, modification or alteration of his content in everything or partly, with provisional or permanent character, and in general, use it of any another forms that it contravene the legislation in matter of copyright.

In any case, remains absolutely forbidden to the STUDENT the commercial use, copy, recording, storage, download, distribution, publication and the employment of any technician of reverse engineering or of descompilación of the elements that integrate the Service, courses and of the contents that through the same show , in everything or partly, as well as the realisation of distinct procedures to the authorised by RUBINA MENORCA SL.

The STUDENT will not be able to alter or suppress the indications of reservation of rights, credits identificativos of the headlines of the rights of the courses and contents offered, as well as of the mechanisms of protection incorporated to the same if there were them.

Returns and political of cancellation

do not admit returns of the money in the courses neither in the purchase of any one another product of this web page after having visualised part of the material. Only they will make returns if the customer experiences incompatible technical problems with the utilisation of the product purchased or decides to cancel it before having visualised his content.

Owe of compensation

The STUDENT accepts to compensate and exempt of responsibility to RUBINA MENORCA SL by any loss, cost or requirement that bring cause of the incumplimiento by the STUDENT of the present General Conditions of Contracting and of the applicable legislation to the right titularity of third.

Perfection of the agreement and modification of the services

The present agreement will perfect with the payment of the Service, besides the STUDENT will receive an email of confirmation with a description of the purchase made.

RUBINA MENORCA SL Reserves the right to update or modify anyway the characteristics, price and conditions of his Service, whenever this update or improvement obey to the aim to improve the provision of his services and redunde in profit of the STUDENT, without that such updates or better, can suppose a change in the essential conditions of the already hired courses.

Nullity of disposals

The nullity or inaplicabilidad, in everything or partly, of any disposal or term of the present General Conditions of Contracting, did not affect to the validity of the remaining disposals or terms.


The incumplimiento by the STUDENT of the present General Conditions of Contracting or of the remaining disposals that result applicable, will empower to RUBINA MENORCA SL to adopt the necessary measures, included the temporary or definite suspension of the utilisation of the Service by the STUDENT offender, that will be able to make of automatic way and without prior notice.

RUBINA MENORCA SL Will be able to put in knowledge of the competent authorities the infringement of the valid legislation by the STUDENT of which had news.
The abstention by part of RUBINA MENORCA SL to act against of the eventual violations by the STUDENT of the present General Conditions of Contracting, will not have to understand like a permission of the infringement committed.

Attention to the student

If the STUDENT required some explanation concerning the Service and his characteristics or of the present General Conditions of Contracting, as well as notify to RUBINA MENORCA SL any one rape of the present Conditions, or of the Legal notice and included Privacy policy in the web, or make any comment, suggestion or claim to RUBINA MENORCA SL motivated on the Service that this loans will be able to direct to the Service of Attention to the Customer by email (

Applicable law and jurisdiction

The present General Conditions of Contracting will govern or will interpret according to the Spanish legislation in that that was not on purpose established.

The Parts agree to subject to the courts and courts of Mahón for any controversy that could arouse of the provision of the services object of these Conditions.

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